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31 May - 5 July 2020Central European Time - Online

Dance into Your Queer Lust 

- Online!

Thus event has ended, check for upcoming programs!

A 6 weeks program for people of all genders and s3xualities. 

We will meet once a week for six weeks 

- First event, May 31st is a free try out! Limited spaces for 18 participants. 

Sundays at 6.00 - 8.30pm Central European Time. (12-2.30pm EST)  

Our pleasure is part of our human nature, we just need to befriend it and invite all of its different flavors. The word lust in Swedish and in Germanic languages includes the full spectra of feeling good and the desire to engage in what feels pleasurable. To become good at something, like everything else we need to practice. Whether it is feeling the sun on our skin, eating chocolate or being intimate, we need to set aside the time to explore all kinds of pleasure in a safe spaces. 

This program is a place to invite everything lustful in life at the same time as we are accepting and healing the emotions that might be blocking us from reaching the pleasure that we want.


There are many ways of being queer, this is me:

I see myself as a human and as a cis-woman, but I also see myself as queer and gender fluid. Inside of me I feel masculine and feminine beings, a girl and a boy, a man and a woman and non binary creatures of all kinds. It's like I can be everything that I want! And my different me:s all have different ways of exploring pleasure. 

The themes and exercises in this program will take you on a journey from what I have learnt in my own personal experience exploring myself as a human.

Facilitator: Lisa Josefsson - Dance From the Root  - Read more about me in my bio!

Guest Teachers: Louise Hellbom - Emotional release,  Faith Wangui & Sony Soniz - East African Sensuality

This is for anyone who

  • is longing for a deeper connection to their body 
  • wants to receive tools to access their lust and accept all our emotional spectra
  • longs for a safe space to build connections and share sensuality and vulnerability. 
  •  is curious about being in a space where we are all treated as humans with potential. 

Scroll down for practical details!

The intention with the course is deep dive in ourselves together with others to mainly heal our relationship to our body and sensuality. Our lust is born from within us even though we often feel that it "just comes" or that it appears thanks to the people we are intimate with.

During these weeks you will be invited to be with all of your emotions, invite what you long for and let go what is no longer serving you. This work over time opens up for the potential to own your sensuality and pleasure in a way that it can never be taken away from you.

The Tools of this course has elements from dance & movement therapy, the wheel of consent, tantra, conscious s3xuality and lies on a foundation of traditional dances och philosophies from Southern and Eastern Africa, among others. 

 If any of the below statements fits on you, this might be a course for you:

  • You have certain connection with your body but you are longing to find a deeper pleasure and more freedom.
  • You easily get stuck in your head or in negative thought patterns in relation to your body and intimacy.
  • You have a difficulty to find your lust in the right moments.
  • You love dance and wants to be reminded how fantastic your body can feel.
  • You want to explore your sensual potential outside gender norms
  • You have taken this course before and feel a need to reconnect with your body, maybe especially in these times. 


But does it really work online? You don't really feel people that way, right? When I first moved this course online due to our current situation I felt that is was a sacrifice, but already the first evening the connection built up in the zoom room was so strong, there was joy and sensuality, tears and smiles! Now I have grown to see other benefit of running this program virtually. Some of the benefits are:

  • People in remote places get access to programs that are normally run in bigger cities
  • Increased diversity due to the fact that people from different countries and backgrounds get the opportunity to meet in the same room
  • You don't have to leave your home
  • The breakout rooms open up for a surprising intimacy, no other voices in the room will distract you.
  • Exploring these deep places in your home make you less dependent of another place and the physical contact of people. This way you will realize that so many things can be experienced and felt even in a distance which empowers you to continue this practice with your self afterwards. 


Every week there will be a different theme for us to explore deeper a specific topic. From my experience if we run too fast into our s3xuality without building trust and inviting all our other emotions to be part, it is hard to open up. Therefore the themes are built up as waves to move you smoothly through each phase. You can also see the themes as a smorgasbord opening up to what areas in your life you would like to expand more within after the end of the course.

Week 1

See me, see you! 

Through the dance and voice we will explore movement, self expression and sensuality. We will me each other in and acceptance and share some of our life stories and reasons why we have come together. We start softly to invite a light in the tunnel of the work of the individual healing processes we are stepping into. 

Week 2

To say yes to pleasure and knowing our boundaries. 

Do you easily feel your boundaries? And when you do feel them, how easy is it to communicate them? What do you sometimes allow even when it does not feel right? Maybe you have crossed other boundaries in the past and feel shame around it?Boundaries needs to be felt through the body, when we get better in contact with them it also becomes easier to feel the boundaries of others. This will be an invitation to feel and respect our yes and no both with voice and body.

Week 3

To hold and let go into pleasure! 

Many of us are either used to being strong and independent and can't access our emotions and others feel way too much and have a difficulty to control it. Feeling our emotions is just as important as having tools to regulate them.  This week is an invitation to let go of old anger and frustration and allow ourselves to be held be each other. On the other side of letting go, our pleasure is waiting. 

Guest Teacher: Louise Hellbom

Week 4

East African Sensuality! 

Find your daily pleasure in your body in every moment, when you are doing the dishes, walking and of course dancing! With inspiration from East Africa we will learn how they already as young girls learn how to move their hips to find pleasure and confidence in their bodies. Lisa will share from her experience from Mozambique, Kenya and Tanzania. Special guests might come!

Week 5

Exploring polarity and gender expression!

This workshop is inspired by the trans activist Damien Rose. We will experiment with gender expression, and polarities. Male/female, wild/peaceful, mother/child, dominant submissive etc. What different sides exist in myself and how may I nurture them to feel welcome? To play with different polarities can help us to discover new sides of ourselves and our s3xuality. A friend once said: "To be oneself can be very limiting", so I'm asking you, who can you be? 

Week 6

Express and stay in your s3xuality! One thing is to feel pleasure, another thing is to stay and be seen in it. After been working with getting in contact with our s3xuality and our sensual expressions it is time dive deeper to it and be able to show our pleasure. We all have different coping mechanisms that does not even allow us to stay in our full power even in front of our partners. To dance into our lust is the reason we came, surprise yourself!

From previous participants

" If I had to choose one word for this course, it would be "MAGICAL"! I'm so grateful that I participated." /Veronika

"I think I had a naive thought that I could keep on living in my flat emotional dead life. Therefore it was very overwhelming when things I had pushed away came out, but at the same time so freeing! Even more so in a non judging room that felt safe. The community feeling you created is something I have missed throughout my life and it was very beautiful to experience that and meet my emotions together with others. So as a conclusion; it was amazing to feel belonging, to be in a safe space, with open non judging people where I could find a deeper contact with my body and my emotions. Every exercise awoke thoughts and reflections that still affect me and have changed my train of thoughts." /Louise

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Practical information

The invitation is to take the whole 6 weeks program, first time is a free tryout, but after that you can only sign up for the full course. 

When? Sundays at 6.00 - 20.30pm Central European Time. (12-2.30pm EST)  

Start May 31st (First time free) last time July 5th

Where? In your living room or favorite private space! We will meet on Zoom, download the computer program here: ... download the app to your phone. It is advisable to use a laptop for the course time. More info about Zoom will come in your welcome letter. 

Investment in you body: The full price of this program is 2900 Sek or 300€, but because of Corona times and this being the time offering the queer program I have reduced the price to 1900SEK or 200€. You can pay 1900Sek through Swedish bank transfer or Swish or 200€ through PayPal. This price is valid until May 31st 11.59 pm. Later payments 2300SEK or 240€. Receipt is available upon request.

For questions and more information contact Lisa at +46708-685784 or

What do you get?

  • 15 hours of program time spread out over 6 weeks
  • A homework with exercises every week that you also will receive in an e-mail with the music from the class. 
  • A new community and network of likeminded people that support each other.
  • A possibility to let go of old patterns and invite a new power that you can bring with you in life!

Are you ready? In this program, all emotions are welcome; whatever comes up, there is no judgment. This is not a therapy program, but it will have healing effects. As a group, we will take care of each other and I always stay around for 30 minutes after the class if somethings comes up. As a participant, you are responsible for your own emotions and to listen to your own needs at any given moment. 

If you know that you easily experience heavy anxiety or panic attacks, it is better to wait with this course and you are welcome back when you are feeling more stable and ready. Looking forward to having you in on this adventure!

Register now!


Lisa Josefsson
Dancer, performer and Lust Coach

Lisa Josefsson is the founder and main space holder for Dance into Your Queer Lust.

She believes that all of us human beings want a healthy relationship with our body and our sensuality, independently of who we are and how we relate to our sensualselves. They wish these topics were mainstream, because the relationship to our body impacts greatly how we navigate in life.

Lisa works as a dance teacher as well as a movement and intimacy coach and aims to change the way we talk about intimacy and support s3xual healing through movement, touch and listening to the inner messages our bodies are ready to reveal. Lisa is gender fluid and pan s3xual and invites people that she works with expand who they can be.

After 10 years of exploring different dance forms such as Blues, Swing, Contact Improvisation and traditional African dances, Lisa discovered their own connection between dance and s3xuality. They had by then spent three years in Mozambique, a Mecka of people who embody their s3xuality and sensuality through dance. This experience allowed them to feel that our pleasure comes from within us and not from the outside and we reach it by allowing ourselves to feel all the emotions in our register. This discovery took Lisa into a journey of exploring Tantra, Conscious S3xuality, the Wheel of Consent (TM), Gender Fluidity and Kink, to deepen their understanding of oneself and how our life can be understood through our body. 

Lisa is based in Stockholm and teaches different combinations of dance and s3xuality, through individual sessions, in group intensives and at festivals. In 2018 they have already taught at Stockholm Tantra Festival, S3xsibility Festival, and Touch & Play both in MA, US and in Germany. 

See more at FB: and Lisa takes inspiration from the following teachers: Lynn Kreaden, Zahava Griss, Bernadette Pleasant and Barbara Carellas, 

They have collaborated with Carl Johan and Jennie Rehbinder, Master Berlin, Julieth Åhman, Lorenzo Stjernquist and Rupert James Alison. 

Lisa also has as mentors her dance company in Mozambique; Hodi Maputo Afro Swing and Tufu de Mafalala. 

Further reading in Swedish

Lisas tankar kring dans, om att vara i sin kropp och hur det är kopplat till vår s3xualitetDans, kroppen och njutning

Dans för mig är stunden då jag känner min kropp som allra mest, som om allting runtomkring stannar upp och musiken styr mina rörelser. Det är ett flow då det varken finns dåtid eller framtid, bara här och nu. Genom dans kan vi också möta och känna andra. Det kallas kinestetisk empati inom dansterapin; då vi genom rörelse kan känna vad en annan människa känner. Dansen kan också tillåta oss att släppa på spänningar i kroppen, känna oss lätta och fria och till och känna extas; vilket är ett verktyg som många traditionella kulturer använder i läkande syften.

Vad betyder det egentligen att vara i sin kropp?

För mig betyder det att kunna komma i kontakt med det jag känner istället för att vara fast i tankarna. Att kunna känna in vilka känslor som är närvarande i stunden, och finna de känslor som ibland ligger undantryckta och låta de komma upp till ytan; då hela jag får vara med.Att njuta för mig är en överväldigande känsla i kroppen, när inget annat existerar förutom det som känns och alla tankar försvinner; det är det ultimata uttrycket av att vara i sin kropp. För mig är vardaglig njutning och s3xualiteten starkt sammankopplade. Även om jag inte känner s3xuell njutning av att känna solen mot min hud eller att äta god mat är det för mig det första steget till att tillåta njutning i min egen kropp. När vi sedan vet hur den njutningen känns, är det lättare att plocka fram den i intima möten och äga den. - Men ibland har vi svårt. Tankar kommer i vägen; vad ska vi göra? Hur ser jag ut? Vad vill jag egentligen? Duger jag? Oj, jag har så mycket annat jag borde göra nu! Och med dessa tankar är det svårt att vara närvarande. Eller så vill tanken känna njutning, men kroppen kan inte slappna av, den vill inte ge sig hän. Kanske finns det otrygghet, trauman eller rädslor som sätter sig i vägen.

Att säga ja, säga nej och veta vad jag vill är väsentligt. För att njuta måste vi dessutom veta vad vi tycker om, vad vi vill och vad vi inte vill i stunden. Ju mer njutning jag har hittat desto kräsnare blir jag i mina kärleksrelationer och jag inser hur ofta jag förr gick med på saker som jag faktiskt inte gjorde för min egen skull. Nu vill jag bara ha det bästa oavsett om det är med mig själv eller andra!

Älska dig själv! 

Det är en cliché, men det är sant; för att kunna känna full njutning, krävs det faktiskt att en helt och hållet accepterar och älskar hela sin kropp. Ibland dyker jag rätt in i lust, skratt och glädje, men andra gånger kan jag behöva gå igenom sårbarheten och gråten för att hitta tillbaka till lusten på andra sidan. Och för att vår kropp ska kunna ge oss den njutningen vi önskar, måste vi ge den oändlig kärlek.

Vår kropp är vårt tempel. 

När vi håller det rent och rymligt kan vi njuta av dess vackra fönster, gyllene dekorationer och kontakten med något större än oss själva. Men börjar det fyllas med gammalt skräp måste vi städa för att åter hitta frid. I kroppen sitter våra emotioner lagrade; gamla erfarenheter, förväntningar, och rädslor. Dansen är för mig det starkaste verktyget att komma i kontakt med allt som våra tankar flyr ifrån, den tillåter oss att känna hela oss, älska oss själva och möta andra.Välkommen att växa tillsammans!

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Sony Soniz & Faith Wangui
Dancers and facilitators in East African Sensuality

Kenyan born Sony Soniz and Faith Wangui have danced since a young age in different traditional dance companies in Kenya and later toured in Europe to now establish themselves in Europe. Earlier as part of their mission they were teaching the younger generations in Nairobi their traditions while now in Sweden they are seeing the importance of sharing a different kind of work with women in Sweden. 

As in many parts of Africa, in Kenya, girls learn at a young age to believe in themselves, feel their own worth and beauty and not the least enjoy their own movements and bodies through dance. Traditions of love making and self esteem are past down through generations and dance from this point of view is a result of your own emotional expression and can therefore be used to get in contact with our sensuality. 

Sony and Faith are Guest teacher week 4. 

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Louise Helllbom
Movement and emotional work

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Organized by

Lisa Josefsson